ADAGE P.aeruginosa paper supplement

This page provides supplemental materials for the paper ADAGE analysis of publicly available gene expression data collections illuminates Pseudomonas aeruginosa-host interactions.

Activity patterns of Node42

We provide a collection of heatmaps describing Node42’s activity pattern in each experiment covered in our compendium. Each experiment was named by its ArrayExpress ID. The activity values in each dataset were mean-centered and the complete range of node activity values was used to generate the color range.

Explore Node42 Activities

Differential node activities

We also provide a collection of heatmaps showing each node’s activity pattern in each experiment covered in our compendium. An experiment may be analyzed through nodes that are differentially active between cases and controls. To clearly visualize the differences in node activity, each node’s activity was adjusted by subtracting the node’s mininum activity in one experiment. Heatmaps were hierarchically clustered and the color key was automatically generated based on the range of activity differences.

Explore Differential Activities